I want to be one of those people who love (or even just like) to run. When I was in high school, a friend of mine asked me to start running with her. Knowing that she was there waiting for me was the usually the only reason that I would actually go to run. Now, at 32 years old I decide I want to run again, so I asked my friend and neighbor, Ashley, if she wanted a running buddy, as I have seen her running in the neighborhood. She said it was perfect timing as she was wanted to start running again. After the third run, my knees started to hurt. This is probably not the first time a runner at any level has had knee pain, so I was hoping it was just my body getting used to running and in a day it would subside. Five days later, they still hurt (in a get out of bed and have to hold on to something because of the pain). In those five days, it occurred to me that when I was a kid I used to have to wear orthotics in my shoes when ever I participated in any athletic event, and that was probably one of the reasons I was now in pain. (I have also gotten tips on stretches and good running shoes).
This week, we have VBS at my church. We're going into day three and it has been such a blessing to me! It is so encouraging, and everyone is having fun and learning "Who Is Jesus?" During prayer request time last night, I was told that Aubree asked for prayer for me because my knees hurt after I ran with the Potty Princess (played by Ashley, with a tiara and toilet brush as a scepter collecting pennies to build potties in Guatemala). It was so funny, but it reminded me of the sweetness of Aubree and also that she is observant and does have a clue to what's going on, when I think she's mostly in her own little dream world.
I was very happy to tell Aubree this morning that my knees felt better. For five days I've had the same level of pain, today I woke up and they felt better, still sore but definitely better. She was so happy to hear her prayer had been answered. God is a great listener to little voices in prayer!
Love that prayers are working! I thought of you when I was running this morning. My knees hurt the first half mile or so but then felt better. :) I am excited to see how your running journey progresses!!