I am the most important person in the entire world...to Saige. She will notice when I come into the room, even if she doesn't see me. She wants to be around me. She wants to spend (all her) time with me. She smiles at anything amusing that I do. She wants to show off all her tricks to me. She will look up and see a bunch of adults and start crying, only to whip around and see or hear me and will instantly be comforted and stop crying. She will fall and as soon as she gets a hug from me, she feels better. She even notices and studies any little difference in my appearance, such as when I have wet hair, or will point out things such as a pimple or cut that she knows doesn't belong there. Although this makes me feel very wonderul, it's also exhausting when she has an extremely grumpy, molar cutting through, I don't want to sleep, or eat, don't leave me in the Church nursery, hold me all day long and don't even look at your other children or try to make dinner kind of day (which praise the Lord, doesn't happen too often).
The Most Important Person in the World has a big job to do. This person has to set a great example, train, teach, stay calm, make smart decisions, lead, provide for, and be loving to those she's important to. What a big responsibility!!!
Good thing I have Jesus as my example...and the full support and help of The Second Most Important Person in the World to Saige (her Daddy).
"Aubree, who is the most important person in the world to you?" I asked.
"You, and Daddy, and Danielle, and Nanny," she replied.
"Caura, who is the most important person in the world to you?" I asked.
"I don't know," she replied.
LOVE your comments at the end because that's where my brain was going! Thank God I have Christ working through me, because left alone to give an example, my kids would be screwed!